Blog Post

Dreaming of tulips

  • by Heather
  • 03 Jan, 2016
Spring has to be my favourite season for bringing rich colours to the garden once again. I’m now dreaming of spring when the winter gloom is eclipsed by spring blooms, in particular the majesty of the tulip. I never cease to be amazed by how these singular bulbs transform into picture perfect flowers, and planted together bring such a stunning show of colour.
It’s still not too late to plant them. Early January is a good time to avoid the worst of the wet weather in the UK. You also save money as packs of tulips are heavily discounted. So what are you waiting for? Get planting now and you’ll be rewarded with sublime colour in April and May.
by Chris 08 Mar, 2018
Despite the snow last week, March is traditionally the time when most people start thinking about their gardens. Spring is an important time to kick start the growing season again.  There are lots of things that can be done with your lawn at this time of year.
by Heather 31 Jan, 2018
I get excited by the strangest things – compost is one of them. I like to make my own, and it’s so easy to do – I can’t believe I’ve only been doing this for the last three years. Part of the problem is the fact I started fifteen years ago with one of the plastic dalek-style compost bins which put me off for years before I tried again with a wooden slatted compost bin. Granted these are more expensive, but you can find offers online or make your own. The bonus is they come apart so you can empty the compost easily or move them to another part of the garden.
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